The Fault in Our Stars, the film based on John Green's immensely popular young adult novel, has been on my radar since January of last year. In the post I wrote then, I was pretty enthusiastic about the signing of Shailene Woodley as Hazel. That was pre my own reading of the novel. Now that I've read it - I will post my take on the book one of these days - I'm even more excited about Shailene, I think she's perfect. I'm a little less sure about Ansel Elgort, who we learned would be Gus just this past May, but as I posted here John Green and director Josh Boone think he's perfect so that's that.
Now, just weeks before production begins in late August, Laura Dern has been cast as Mrs. Lancaster. I like Laura Dern; she's a good fit for Hazel's hovering, desperately protective mother. As a mom myself, it's impossible not to relate to Mrs. Lancaster; I empathize with her anxiety and determination to do whatever she can to make her daughter's life the best it can be. And somehow keep the sadness at bay. Sometimes that does lead mothers into ridiculous hyperbole - You can do it, you're the best, etc. Or as Hazel tells us:
Nat Wolff who just worked with director Josh Boone on Stuck in Love - he's Rusty - has been cast as Isaac, the friend that gets Gus to go to the cancer support group. Oh, Isaac! What a cutie pie you are; I have a feeling you're going to make me cry too. I'm a little like Hazel's weepy weepy dad; everything in this book made me cry. I's not a huge part but I wonder who will end up playing Hazel's father to Dern's Mrs. Lancaster? Thoughts?
I'm still waiting to see who will play the hateful Peter Van Houten; I read somewhere - and forgot to note it - that Hugh Laurie had been suggested. Love Hugh and his linguistic abilities; the bitter House doctor is a natural for the vile Van Houten and his misogynistic ravings.
Since The Fault in Our Stars is going to be one of the most highly anticipated films for fans of the book, I'm going to create a special TFIOS page; the latest is that while filming is about the begin, the movie itself may not hit screens until 2015! Let's hope the imdb listing which lists it as 2014 is correct.
Now, just weeks before production begins in late August, Laura Dern has been cast as Mrs. Lancaster. I like Laura Dern; she's a good fit for Hazel's hovering, desperately protective mother. As a mom myself, it's impossible not to relate to Mrs. Lancaster; I empathize with her anxiety and determination to do whatever she can to make her daughter's life the best it can be. And somehow keep the sadness at bay. Sometimes that does lead mothers into ridiculous hyperbole - You can do it, you're the best, etc. Or as Hazel tells us:
Nat Wolff cast as Isaac in TFIOS |
Nat Wolff who just worked with director Josh Boone on Stuck in Love - he's Rusty - has been cast as Isaac, the friend that gets Gus to go to the cancer support group. Oh, Isaac! What a cutie pie you are; I have a feeling you're going to make me cry too. I'm a little like Hazel's weepy weepy dad; everything in this book made me cry. I's not a huge part but I wonder who will end up playing Hazel's father to Dern's Mrs. Lancaster? Thoughts?
I'm still waiting to see who will play the hateful Peter Van Houten; I read somewhere - and forgot to note it - that Hugh Laurie had been suggested. Love Hugh and his linguistic abilities; the bitter House doctor is a natural for the vile Van Houten and his misogynistic ravings.
Since The Fault in Our Stars is going to be one of the most highly anticipated films for fans of the book, I'm going to create a special TFIOS page; the latest is that while filming is about the begin, the movie itself may not hit screens until 2015! Let's hope the imdb listing which lists it as 2014 is correct.